About Us
Dear Customer, if you are reading this right now, you decided to get more acquainted with the members of our team.
So, do you want to know more about people, who create all these beautiful things for you? Here we go!

My name is Viktoriya, and I’m the founder of 3Hlinen, my husband Sergii and I created the idea of this shop in 2014 and now are managing company together. We have two cute little boys who inspire us ☺
I am still personally managing all communications with our customers to stay in touch with each and every person and provide the best customer experience for our clients. It is all time important for us to hear your feedback - as we are still managing owners of the company and really love what we do.
Head of Production and Product Management

Here it is Iryna, and she is Chief Operation Officer. She takes care of production and ensures that all your orders are shipped in time and in the best condition.
Our Production Studio

Nastya, our Shipping Manager, is in charge of the safety and timely delivery of your orders. She has a dream... to touch the Big Blue Whale one day :)
There are 12 highly professional seamstresses working together with us on 3HLinen products and orders. Their creative team will always find the solution for the ideas and projects you, our customers, have.
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